Flat-Earth Education logo

founded 2/6/2023 HAPPY 1 YEAR

Riley Burnham enterprises

truth: there is light in the sky



basically just go watch Tomb of EL-Lumination's great work, & learn about the version he's explaining & get it

i recommend his Patreon


just made this :D

Flat Earth Education Forum


Lunisolar Interplay

Riley's Flat-Earth Model 1

"Coriolis Meter" by Riley Burnham art

flat as a pancake earth hat

Flat-Earth Education Forum shirt

Flat-Earth Education tee

the heavens are spinning shirt

flat earther tee

crystal heaven shirt



Flatlantis -- audiobook via YouTube is where i started

IFERS -- is a good place for reliable information

Flat Earth - EricDubay.com

i wanted to be an astrophysicist ebook -- a primer; poetic

Columbus sphere chart [on left] -- map from 1490

   - Luna, Mercury, Venus, Sol, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, eight, nine
   - Mercury & Venus transit the sun... Mars is directly behind it during "Cold Moons"

   - primer

hats -- flat as a pancake -- curvature is a farce

24 hr "midnight sun" -- this only happens within Arctic Circle

Arctic Circle map -- solid

tee -- spread

shirt -- Gravity is stupid -- buoyancy & density are cool

shirt -- send me to the ice wall; send me to meru

The Flat-Earth Conspiracy audiobook -- rock-solid

Asteroids, Meteors, & Shooting Stars -- was curious about this myself

we can safely assume the guy practicing yoga is 10x smarter than the guy making fun of it

a gem: how globe-Earthers [genuinely] appear to flats -- [hint: explicit language & waffling away]

even Whale

sun dogs dawgs -- [video may repeat midway through]

who may be concealing this stuff -- check it

   - a gem

flat/globe Earth shirt

visiting Antartica it seems -- wanna see that wall

lighthouses -- gangbusters

daylight rate-of-changes -- crunching numbers

Daylight-length rate comparison -- by me

   - Eric's video on the subject

fun thoughts on a lunar calendar -- [the presentation occurs at 16:24 of this vid]

   - Riley's Lunar Calendar -- .zip file for maximum neatness -- updated w/ EMOJIS example

hilarious liars genuinely -- compilation of astronauts dropping stuff in "outer space"

great interview -- loved the concept of "most [mainstream] conspiracy theorists are [disinfo] agents"

wow(!) good chat

   - another -- full of good insight

   - series -- philosophic

   - oldie/goody -- shows how far behind most of us are

   - solid solid solid -- making this a section of its own, lol

   - great interview -- again

great sun footage here -- was curious about dark lenses; came out ok

   - even better -- i can appreciate home-made

surprising content -- i used to follow J. Fetzer & here he's being schooled by a knowledgable & genuine flat-Earther

worthwhile thoughts -- read 2 Darwin books & still learning stuff here

drumroll -- the greatest resource

   - "Zetetic Astronomy" by Samuel Birley Rowbotham -- review

really good explanation of time-zones corresponding to flat-Earth shape -- this finds where the manipulations take place

pretty great footage of the moon 'rising' here

   - easy to see the size increase as it gets closer...

eclipse vids

   - more

   - more

   - more

   - WATCH THE END OF THIS ONE - easy to see stars moving steady w/ moon...

great borehole action here -- this one makes it down 570ft where it's practically submerged in water

how to spot a liar -- usually/often they call themselves "astronauts," lol

   - pure comedy

a thought-exercise -- moon as a map of the greater earthplane

great footage at the end here: homemade telescopes -- has a distinct blue ring visible

   - very nice moon-viewing

   - pretty good footage of "planets"

   - wow(!!!)

   - more good footage

Height/Depth Research -- Survey, Graph/Charted, Graph/Charted w/ Celestial

   - scale showing -7 miles to 1001 miles -- very small text; larger format shows in Height/Depth Graph/Charted w/ Celestial

Riley's 5 most-obvious flat-Earth proofs -- circular star-trails, lack of curve, solar/lunar patterns, water level, our lying eyes

Flat Earth FAQ (audiobook) -- freeee

the sun, according to TMBG

   - incandescent plasma
   - (4th state of) matter; differing from liquid, solid, gas
​​​​   - free electrons

great site -- seeing Venus in my west sky tonight from Wen. WA

   - great view(!) someway up horizon like 45°

usable to calculate triangulation almost certainly

assuming at some point west of me Venus is directly above... heh

ideally i'd grab a true 'sextant' reading & find the same showing Venus from the 'west' looking 'east'; thus calculating w/ plane trigonometry...

100 Proofs That Earth Is Not A Globe -- just starting this one

   - here he is -- right on(!)

   - this is the guy -> check out his list of works [some published w/ penname 'Common Sense']

   - "The inconsistency of Modern Astronomy and its Opposition to the Scripture"

   - "Sir Isaac Newton's Theoretical Astronomy Examined and Refuted by Common Sense"

   - "Water, not Convex: the Earth not a Globe! Demonstrated by Alfred Russel Wallace on 5 March 1870"

   - "Theoretical Astronomy Examined and Exposed"

   - "The Flying Philosophers, London: British & Colonial Publishing Co."

   - sharing on IFERS

   - review

Sol-stice chart 2023 -- measuring distance from me to Tropic of Cancer to Sol on June 21, 2023

   - in forum

the heavens are spinning shirt -- North Star / Polaris

flat earther tee -- oh for real

ode to Zetetic Astronomy shirt -- Rowbotham(!!)

Lunar Zenith [EQUATORIAL] -- conclusion: Luna alternates between tropics [just beyond both Capricorn & Cancer] every ~28 days or so [tropicing/turning each fortnight] -- pretty neat(!)

great visuals -- flat-earth animationz

Flat-Earth Education merch -- Riley's Exotic Goods

Coriolis Effect -- decent resource for this one

super cool(!) -- Sumerian Lunar-Solar calendar

When the Earth Was Flat - outstanding book(!) [so far]

   - review

good testimony - pilots & flatness & such

brilliance - Antarctica

pure comedy - seams of the show

awesome interview - Weiss & VHV

hell yes - note Jones trying to keep it on Trump & obfuscating, lol

they gonna crush

awesome presentation - Dave doing it

absolutely wails on it - "No Experiment Can Prove Earth's Rotation!"

good stuff - "You Can't Spell Satan Without NASA!"

lovin' this sh - "They Shove It Right In Our Faces!"

getting into the Jerusalem Talmud on this subject - really good so far(!)/interesting

yep - FE blowing up massively(!!!!)

extremely good overview - The Flat Earth Solar Eclipse & The Moon Explained

good stuff - fascinating w/ 'sky ice'

extremely good satellite footage - WHOA

great ice-wall footage - a collection of 2 good ones

fascinating documentary - Old World Order

great interview - The BUMP Podcast 2 - Flat Earth Dave

great compilation - How to Defend the Spinning ball Earth Effectively!

classic - showing f*kery

real talk - exposing shillz

completely showing the farce - 100%!

July 8th, the "Impossible Day on the Globe" Proves FLAT EARTH! - good stuff: coverage

extremely good airplane footage [compilation] - that's flat

who/what put the stars in the sky(?) - in-house vid